Gen Z Slang List

Explore popular Gen Z slang terms with definitions, examples, and cultural insights. Perfect for marketers, educators, and curious parents.

Cancel Culture

A phenomenon where a person, brand, or concept is “canceled” (boycotted or shunned) due to problematic actions or statements.


Contextual Example:
“After those tweets resurfaced, the internet tried to cancel him—classic cancel culture.”

Synonyms / Related Terms:

  • Call-out culture
  • Boycott

Alternate Spellings / Variations:

  • Cancellation culture

History & Evolution:
Grew out of Twitter’s and Tumblr’s call-out culture in the 2010s. Became mainstream as celebrities and brands faced large-scale social media backlash.

Cultural Relevance:
Symbolizes Gen Z’s collective power online but also sparks debates about accountability vs. mob mentality.

Practical Usage:

  • Appropriateness & Tone: Typically serious or cautionary.
  • Platform Popularity: Twitter is a hotbed, but it’s seen on all major platforms.
  • Trend Status: Ongoing, with ongoing debates about its fairness and consequences.

Dos and Don’ts:

  • Do use it to discuss genuine accountability issues.
  • Don’t trivialize real harm by labeling every disagreement as cancel culture.

Common Misconceptions:

  • That it’s exclusively a Gen Z tactic; older generations also participate.

Example in Pop Culture or Media:

  • Many YouTube dramas revolve around “cancel culture” discussions.

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Proof or evidence (often screenshots, messages) used to back up a statement or accusation.

Social Media


A “fake Instagram” account, usually more private, for close friends—often featuring unfiltered or personal posts.

Social Media
secondary account


When someone is harshly criticized, roasted, or “taken to task,” often online.

Social Media
online drama